Friday, November 6, 2009

More Frisbee in Town Forest Park

Emma, the frisbee dog

Back in Connecticut, one of my favorite places to take the puppies is to the ball park at Town Forest Park. As I've mentioned before, this is about a five minute drive from our house, or a twenty minute walk. Most times when I go there, I'm pressed for time so I drive. It's simply the best place to let the puppies run and burn a lot of energy in a short period of time. It's like getting more bang for your buck. I always take a frisbee or two to keep them running as much as possible. The same routine here: Will is the catcher and then he teases Emma with it to come and get it from him. He just loves this game.

Well, Emma is a little more fickle lately with all the leaves on the ground. This morning was a particularly windy morning, and the oak leaves were blowing up a storm all over the field. She was in her glory running down as many of the leaves as she could. I let her have a little fun with them, but then I had her lie down and told her to leave them, which she does pretty well. She can be a little obsessive compulsive with this behavior and we really want to know that we can control it when we have to.

Here's a few photos from the other day, which wasn't so windy. They had a real blast with the frisbee that morning, frosty cold that it was. I don't know what we're going to do in the winter when the ground is covered in a blanket of snow. Does anyone know if they make winter weather frisbees?

Will catches the frisbee with Emma on his heels


That's mine, says Emma

Will waits with his toy

Tug of war (good thing it's a flexible disk)

Eight legs and two tails

Will watches Emma, as usual

A frosty morning oak leaf

Beautiful autumn foliage borders the park


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