Monday, February 22, 2010

Will on the lookout for Emma
Twistin' and Turnin'
Emma is sure there's something under there!
Little Emma
Birch tree

Best way to enjoy winter

What else can you do outside in winter with two active, fun-loving border collies? We've found that it's much more fun to have a frisbee or a stick in hand when we walk these two, no matter what the weather. It's become almost a daily part of our routine to go to the public golf course about a mile from our house. We walk the links, play frisbee, chase sticks, run and have fun in the snow. There's been some days when the snow was almost all gone from the ground but just last week we had another few inches fall, so it's like winter again. Emma must think there's something hiding under the snow, because she will sometimes stick her nose in the snow, with her head mostly buried, and sniff and sniff. Will doesn't seem to care about what's under it, he just loves to run in it!

My favorite time of day to go is in the late afternoon, just before sunset. There's some good light on the hills and trees at the end of day, and I have taken many photos of my favorite birch tree in all types of light. Here's one with a deep blue moody sky, taken the day after the last snowstorm.

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