Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lynnette teaches Will to be patient

Training to herd sheep

It's been more than a month now since we've taken Will and Emma for their training to herd sheep (or geese, depending on the day). We are really missing the time at the farm with Lynnette, so here are just a few shots of Lynnette with Will and Emma. She has the magic touch when it comes to training the dogs, and they love her and miss her. We hope to be back there soon!

As you can see in these shots, Will needs to learn to be patient with the sheep. This particular day Lynnette made him stay by her side and just watch the sheep for a while. She would progressively move closer, but keep him quietly by her side. It was all he could do to stay there! He just loves the act of moving them around, and of keeping them in their place. He's born to do this job, but he does need to be patient and to learn when to go in at them, so this is all good. It is such a change from the first few times we had him here. He would hardly pay any attention to the sheep, and as a matter of fact, didn't even want to be near them. It was like a light switched on one day, when they started to run away from him, and he seemed to notice them. It's amazing the change.

Now we're waiting for Emma to see the light and want to be with the sheep. We hope that when we get back to Nutmeg Farm that she will want to be there and will be in the zone with the sheep. We will see what happens.

A little patience never hurt any border collie

Almost there!

There they are!

And we're off!

Emma's turn, with Moss helping

Sheep on the rocks

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