Friday, July 22, 2011

Keeping Cool at Great Pond

Well, as you can see by the thermometer, we are in the midst of a July heat wave. it goes across most of the country, as apparently we are under a heat 'dome'. About 150 million people are affected in the US, according to the news. So, what do you do if you want to keep cool? You can go swimming! Well, not us, exactly, but two hot border collies who don't much like the heat can go. So here's a few more images from our daily trips to Great Pond, a very shallow pond which is really a wildlife area about 5 minutes drive from our house here in West Simsbury. There is only one tiny area that isn't completely covered in water lily pads and that is where we take Will and Emma for a nice swim. They can hardly wait to chase the stick into the water. They have both gotten quite good at jumping in from the edge, and as you can see, Will can get pretty high in the air. Jim has started to get them to take a running start, and while that doesn't add much height, it does add a little distance before he splashes into the water.

Heat wave hits New England

Walk the boardwalk to get to the swim area

Keeping cool

Will the retriever

Emma swims while Will watches

A bit of Tug-of-war

Wet dog Emma

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Swimming at Great Pond

Emma gets the stick

Emma and Will with their sticks

View of Great POnd

Emma and Will again

Will wonders what is taking me so long

Well, here it is summer already, and it's been a long time since the last posting. We've been pretty busy this spring, going back and forth between West Simsbury and our second home in Burlington, Ontario, and keeping up with the usual exploring in each area. We've discovered a couple of state parks pretty close to home this year, and they have become our new favorite places to take Will and Emma for their walks. Both of the parks have a pond or two, and that is extra fun, since they adore the water. You can hardly keep them out of it if it's nearby. Will, especially likes to run off and take a dip if he senses water. I think he can smell it! And they both get so excited when you throw a stick in for them. Emma can hardly keep her excitement inside - she starts to whimper and whine when you even pick up a stick to get ready to throw it. It's quite funny to see them.

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