Update on colonoscopy day
This proved to be a bit of a challenge. The test itself went as scheduled, with no real adverse results. But if you’ve ever had one of these tests, you will know that it’s not the test itself that’s the issue, (as long as you have a general anesthetic, that is), but the preparation the day before that leaves you reeling. You really know what it’s like to feel cleaned out inside after that! This time, the prep included mixing a stool softener with 64 oz of lemon-lime Gatorade (or G, as it is now known). And after drinking all of that, I don’t think I will ever take another drink of G again! I wasn’t sure which end it was going to come out of! Just horrendous.
But the issue is really how did we make it with the pups after we got home. First of all, I should say that the staff at this GI clinic couldn’t get me awake and dressed and off of their stretcher fast enough. One minute I hear them calling my name, the next thing I know, they are telling me to get dressed and out of there and that I am good to go. Well, even Jim knew that I wasn’t awake enough to go, but took me out anyway (given no real choice in the matter). I felt gassy and crampy, as they warned me I would, and just wanted to get home to lie down with easy access to the bathroom.
It was about 10:30 a.m. when we got home, and the pups had been in their crates since about 6:30 a.m. They were ready for action, but I was ready for rest, and Jim was ready for work. He decided to stay home with me til noon or so, but announced he had a conference call at 11:00 a.m. Well, this meant that instead of rest, I had puppy duty. I tried to sit quietly in the living room with the pups, and all I remember is that I had to wipe up 2 or even 3 pees. I had taken them out a couple of times, too, but I think Will just wanted to get my attention, and pee it was. The pee machine is back in action. He hasn’t been too bad, but this morning he was out to get me. I think they know when you are stressed, and it stressed them too. I was almost glad when Jim had lunch and went to the office, so I could put the puppies in their crates again and get some much needed rest. By about mid-afternoon, after some lunch, some quiet time and finally a coffee, I felt human again and ready to take on the challenge of two puppies.
But the issue is really how did we make it with the pups after we got home. First of all, I should say that the staff at this GI clinic couldn’t get me awake and dressed and off of their stretcher fast enough. One minute I hear them calling my name, the next thing I know, they are telling me to get dressed and out of there and that I am good to go. Well, even Jim knew that I wasn’t awake enough to go, but took me out anyway (given no real choice in the matter). I felt gassy and crampy, as they warned me I would, and just wanted to get home to lie down with easy access to the bathroom.
It was about 10:30 a.m. when we got home, and the pups had been in their crates since about 6:30 a.m. They were ready for action, but I was ready for rest, and Jim was ready for work. He decided to stay home with me til noon or so, but announced he had a conference call at 11:00 a.m. Well, this meant that instead of rest, I had puppy duty. I tried to sit quietly in the living room with the pups, and all I remember is that I had to wipe up 2 or even 3 pees. I had taken them out a couple of times, too, but I think Will just wanted to get my attention, and pee it was. The pee machine is back in action. He hasn’t been too bad, but this morning he was out to get me. I think they know when you are stressed, and it stressed them too. I was almost glad when Jim had lunch and went to the office, so I could put the puppies in their crates again and get some much needed rest. By about mid-afternoon, after some lunch, some quiet time and finally a coffee, I felt human again and ready to take on the challenge of two puppies.
Walking the Farmington River trail
We are finally done our house confinement after the puppy surgeries! It’s back to daily walking for them and for us (or at least me). But it’s also back to stage 1, I think, on learning good manners on the leash. Seems like they’ve forgotten everything they learned about walking nicely without pulling. Or maybe it’s just that everything is new to them again. New smells, new leaves blowing in the wind, new sounds, new everything.
In my passion to try all things new (it’s me too, I guess) we took a short drive to Collinsville to walk along the Farmington River trail. We had never been there to walk or ride our bikes, although it has been on our list of places to visit. It’s a great trail for the wet spring (although we are definitely not there yet!). There are paved walking trails all along, wide enough for bikes and walkers as well. It’s a nicely wooded trail, following alongside the Farmington River, which moves quite quickly at times. It’s a place that kayakers like to put in and we could see why they would like that part of the river. Nice rapids, but nice smooth flowing river at times. We walked a little over a half mile this time, since Will and Emma are still recovering from the surgery, and we didn’t want to push it. Also, there were lots of icy patches along the trail and it wasn’t all that easy to walk safely. We were slipping all over, and had to go wide to pass at times. It was a good first outing for all of us.