Three Years Old today!
Will and Emma on their third birthday
Will and Emma, our border collie 'twins' are celebrating their third birthday today. We celebrated by doing what they love to do - we took our usual walk through the woods and around the farmer's field of Tulmeadow Farm. This is our twice daily routine, on most days, since it is easy to get to from our house, and gives us all a good 45 minutes of exercise. They can run off-leash once we get to the end of the street and onto the path that runs through the woods, which means they get a lot more exercise than if they were on leash the entire time.
This time of year is a lot more interesting than usual, since the woods are filled with vignettes that have been set up for a haunted Halloween hayride that Flamig Farm puts on. The volunteers begin sometime in September, and just about every day there is something new to see at one of the locations. This year, there is lots of blood and guts at the 'Grimm Griddle' display, all fake of course. And one of my favorites is a field of about 100 or more pumpkins, all carved and sitting on cut logs ready for lighting on the nights of the haunted hayride. There are lots of ghosts and goblins that don't look very scary during the day, but with lights and spooky noises and flying through the air that is done at the actual event, I'm sure it draws more than a few screams!