Bare ground at the golf course
Checking out the rebuilt stone wall
Will watches Emma, wondering what keeps her amused
This has been such an unusual winter in the northeast, as in other parts of the country, and the world. For us, we have had only a few inches of snow this year, that has melted within a day or two. The normal amount falls closer to 11 or `12 inches for the months of January and February. I am not complaining! As much as I love snow, I am enjoying our outdoor time this year without it. Last year was a bit much, with record amounts of snow here (about 110 inches total), roofs caving in, ice dams causing flood damage, and just no end of winter. But this year, we're enjoying lots of sunshine, warm temperatures and little snow or rain.
At least it's been cold enough for the ground to be frozen, and easy to walk on. I've even been noticing the earth cracking and drying out with the lack of snow and moisture. I'm afraid for the farmers this year with such little precipitation. It probably means that prices will be higher for lots of our produce and other crops. I would guess it'll be higher prices for gas, too, since it's made with ethanol, which is made from corn, which will be more expensive if the crops are in shortage this year. Will it never end?